2) Bishop Henry’s Open Letter to Justin Trudeau (former bishop of the Calgary diocese)
3) Brian Holdsworth’s video on You Tube
4) Canadian Catholic Conference of Bishops response on their website, particularly the section that highlights the many apologies issued by priests, bishops and archbishops over the last 2 decades
We feel betrayed, angry, hurt and disillusioned. But did this scandal shake my Catholic faith? Absolutely not. Why? Because my Catholic faith doesn’t rest upon someone else’s ability to live it. Why would I give someone else that authority over my Catholic faith? So often in the midst of scandal, I think what we do is let those fallen from Grace, take that Grace of God from us. Why would we give them that power? My Catholic faith doesn’t rest on my priests ability to pastor. My Catholic faith doesn’t rest on a bishops ability to teach. My Catholic faith doesn’t rest in a Pope’s ability to lead the church. Now many priests and nuns do amazing virtuous jobs in the roles that God has given them. But sometimes people fail because we are all imperfect, all of us and we are all sinners. If our Catholic faith is resting on people, when people fail then our faith will fall with them.
My Catholic faith rests upon the person of Jesus Christ and His teachings, promises and guidance. Our church began as a small group of humble and persecuted people who were saved by the goodness that Jesus helped them find in themselves and in others. Jesus founded the church that I believe in and sends us out on a mission with only our faith in His goodness to help not harm those we meet. The vast majority of who we are as Christians and what we do reflects the love and mercy that God has bestowed upon us. Most try their best, some struggle with it, but a few – even one is too much have caused us all a lot of pain.
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