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Hello everyone. Hope all is well this cold December morning. Looks like we can all look forward to a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel into 2021 when the vaccine eventually will reach us all. Let’s continue to count all our blessings and keep up our self-discipline and self- sacrificing for the sake of our loved ones and community as a whole. Today, as we end this unprecedented year of 2020, I want to leave you with the “12 days of Christmas Wisdom” leading up to Christmas Day. I hope you enjoy these special spiritual “food for thought”.
1) Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin.
2) Take care of your body as if you’re going to live forever. Take care of your soul as if you are going to die tomorrow. When we are prepared, then there’s nothing to fear.
3) The Lord doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.
4) What kind of friends do you have in your life? Are they the kind who lift you up, who see something in you that is amazing even when you doubt yourself? If not, ask God to bring you a great friend.
5) Use riches with generosity, appreciate them with discernment, and be strongly detached from them, because they do not belong to you. God has merely entrusted them to you to use wisely and to share with the poor. Ask the Lord to help you to be a good steward of your riches.
6) Dear Mother Mary, please give me your wisdom, holy indifference and the ability to blossom in my own space. Learn to blossom where you are planted.
7) The eyes of the secular world see no farther than this life, but the eyes of a Christian see into eternity as their world view perspective on living in this world becomes centred around faith.
8) “Lord, help me to see you in the eyes of everyone I meet, so that everyone I meet may see you in me”.
9) If you are really humble, if you realize how small you are and how much you need God, then you cannot fail.
10) When we pray, we do not seek to change the mind and heart of God; we pray to become one heart and mind with Him. Thus our prayer will be effective only if we embrace His will”.
11) Each moment is a revelation of God, believing that regardless of how things appear at a given time, all of history will ultimately serve to accomplish God’s purpose on earth. Love and accept the present moment, whether good or bad, as what’s best for you right now, with perfect trust in God’s universal goodness…everything, without exception is an instrument and means of sanctification… God’s purpose for us is always what will contribute most to our good. C.S. Lewis believed that whatever entered his life, even the opposite of his own desires, God would turn into benefit and good.
And finally…
12) Be good to people. You will be remembered more for your kindness than any level of success you could possible attain.
May the love, joy and peace of our Lord be with all of you this special unique Christmas season.
Love always,
MJ xo


Program Facilitator

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© By My Side 2019

A program of spiritual friendship and healing for separated and divorced catholics

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

1153 Wellington St. West
Ottawa, ON

T: 613.294.1308

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