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Hello Journey of Hope Friends. I hope that this August letter finds you all well and that you are enjoying your summer. I apologize. It’s been while since my last entry to you. The summer has flown by quickly for me and has been a busy one. As September is just around the corner, fall is always a time for new beginnings. New teachers and classmates for your children, and often new personal resolutions. I know that you are all expanding and developing a deeper relationship with our God and are all moving towards a place of healing, relying upon the Lord’s guidance along the way. Today I want to share a few profound words I heard this summer from a talk by Joel Olsteen. He says, “have a never say die attitude”. He explains, that we must have the right spirit in our minds. We may have big challenges in our lives, but we have a big God. He arms us with strength for every battle, if we ask him to in prayer. We need to continually shake off the self pity and be a victor not a victim. We must work on our attitudes of determination, steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, courage and relentlessness. We can’t be moved by what we see in our world, we must be moved by what we know to be true with our Lord by our side. Joel says that every setback is a set up for a better outcome. Losers focus on what they are going through. Winners focus on where they are going. Remember, the obstacle in your way may not get smaller but you can get bigger, in your steadfast attitude in handling it relying on God and the Holy Spirit for continuous guidance and clarity. I find this attitude extremely motivating and encouraging. So perhaps lets try to enter into this fall and ask the Holy Spirit to help us to continue to develop some of these virtuous attitudes as we continue to face our life’s challenges. I will continue to pray for you all, regularly. Remember, I am a friend who is only an email, text or phone call away. Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone. We will catch up next month. MJ xo



Program Facilitator

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© By My Side 2019

A program of spiritual friendship and healing for separated and divorced catholics

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

1153 Wellington St. West
Ottawa, ON

T: 613.294.1308

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