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Good afternoon, my By My Side friends.


Welcome to March 2024, with spring just around the corner. This month, I would like to continue giving you some inspirational quotes that I found from our beloved saints over the centuries. Their wisdom is so relevant today, and I think we can all learn from their wise words. So let’s continue with their thoughts.


1. Christianity is not a matter of persuading people of particular ideas, but of inviting them to share in the greatness of Christ. So, pray that I may never fall into the trap of impressing people with clever speech, but instead, I may learn to speak with humility, desiring only to impress people with Christ Himself. St. Ignatius of Antioch.


2. Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful, and loving infusion of God which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the spirit of love. St. John of the Cross.


3. Do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety, or pain… Are you not under my shadow and protection? Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin.


4. The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light. St. John of the Cross.


5. If God is the center of your life, no words are necessary. Your mere presence will touch hearts. St. Vincent de Paul.


6. Let us become like Christ, since Christ became like us. He assumed the worse that He might give us the better; He became poor that we through His poverty might be rich. St. Gregory Nazianzen.


7. If you have two shirts in your closet, one belongs to you and the other belongs to the one with no shirt. St. Ambrose.


8. The only thing ever achieved in life without effort is failure. St. Francis of Assisi.


9. Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven. St. Rose of Lima.


10. We are such value to God that He came to live among us… and to guide us home. He will go to any length to seek us, even to being lifted high upon the cross to draw us back to Himself. We can only respond by loving God for His love. St. Catherine of Siena.


Great “Food for Thought” from our Catholic Spiritual Saints who learned through their own hardships to travel the narrow road where God became the center of their lives. Have a wonderful March and spring break everyone.


Love MJ xo



Program Facilitator

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© By My Side 2019

A program of spiritual friendship and healing for separated and divorced catholics

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

1153 Wellington St. West
Ottawa, ON

T: 613.294.1308

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